This personal data protection and confidentiality policy statement is for you, the user of the site This site is intended for professionals.

It was developed in the context of GDPR implementation (General Data Protection Regulation), which strengthens and standardises personal data protection for individuals in the European Union.

SJM Eurostat SAS values your trust and asks you to take a moment to read their Personal data protection and confidentiality policy.


  1. Regulations in force concerning use of personal data
  2. Identity of the data controller
  3. Collection of personal data
  4. Purpose of processing your personal data
  5. Personal data retention period
  6. Recipients of your personal data
  7. Exercising your rights
  8. Security
  9. Changes to the present Personal data protection and confidentiality policy

1.Regulations in force concerning use of personal data

Processing of your personal data is governed in France by:
-French personal data protection law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, called Loi Informatique et Liberté
-EU regulation No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, known as “GDPR”

2.Identity of the Data controller

The Data controller is the company SJM Eurostat SAS, with their headquarters at 1 rond-point du Général Eisenhower - Golf Park, Bâtiment 1E - 31100 Toulouse France, registered with the Registry of Commerce and Companies of Toulouse, under number B 647 250 299.

3.Collection of personal data

You may visit the site without disclosing personal information.
However, if you want to use information or services provided by the site, or if you wish to place an order via the site, SJM Eurostat SAS may need to collect, store, and use your personal data.
This data will be processed in accordance with the purposes for which it was collected. The data which may be collected by SJM Eurostat SAS for the purposes described in Article 4 of the present Policy concern:
-identification (e.g. your name, job title, email, phone number, company)
-administration and security of your account (e.g. username, password)
-customer relations management (e.g. requests for information, customers' history with the company)
-connections (e.g. IP address, cookies).
SJM Eurostat SAS uses cookies on its website to make improvements. For further information, see the SJM Eurostat SAS Cookies policy.

4.Purposes of processing your personal data

SJM Eurostat SAS may collect, store and use your personal data to:
-reply to your requests for information or answer questions you ask on a contact form
-provide you with news on SJM Eurostat SAS; and information on their products and services, and give information that may be useful to your business
-send you promotional messages about products and services related to those on their website
-take and process orders (Easy order module)
Processing and use of your personal data are completely confidential and solely for the above-stated purposes. Your personal data is processed and used for professional purposes only.
You may unsubscribe from such messages at any time, free of charge, by clicking on the links in all SJM Eurostat SAS digital communications. You may also contact us at any time to exercise your rights, as stated in Article 7.

5.Recipients of your personal data

Only the following people are authorised to process your data:

-Duly authorised staff of the following SJM Eurostat SAS departments:

-Accounting & Finance

-Subsidiaries of SJM Eurostat SAS located in the EU, who must comply with the SJM Eurostat SAS Personal data protection and confidentiality policy, as well as the GDPR.

-Network of partners and subcontractors acting on behalf of SJM Eurostat SAS in the European Union.

-Competent jurisdictions, arbitrators, chartered accountants, and statutory auditors.

6.Personal data retention period

SJM Eurostat SAS undertakes to retain your personal data no longer than needed for the data processing purposes stated in Article 4 above.

You may oppose any new solicitation, at any time, free of charge, by clicking on the links in all SJM Eurostat SAS digital communications, or by contacting SJM Eurostat SAS.

Nevertheless, personal data processing may be required for proof of a right or to establish a contract. Personal data may also be retained to comply with a legal obligation, or kept in files in accordance with regulations and applicable law.
An exception is your identification data, which is kept by SJM Eurostat SAS for a period of three years from the last contact.

For the purpose of relations with you and CRM, your data is retained for a period of three years from the end of commercial relations, if you are a customer. Beyond this, data is archived for the period during which SJM Eurostat’s liability could be engaged.

7.Exercising your rights

At any time, you may exercise the following rights concerning your personal data:
-right to access any personal data held on you,
-right to rectify your personal data,
-right to demand deletion of your personal data,
-right to oppose or restrict processing of your personal data, except when there are valid legal grounds for such processing (e.g. execution of contracts and general terms of sale may require data processing which the user may not oppose or restrict),
-right to data portability,
-if processing is subject to consent, right to withdraw this consent at any time,
-the right to make a claim to a supervisory authority.
To exercise these rights, contact SJM Eurostat SAS, stating your email address, name and the subject of your request:
-by regular post
SJM Eurostat SAS - Attn: Data Controller - 1 rond-point du Général Eisenhower, Golf Park bât 1E - 31100 Toulouse France
-by email: 


SJM Eurostat SAS undertakes to secure your personal data adequately and appropriately. Every reasonable precaution is made to preserve the security and confidentiality of your data, and prevent it from being deformed, damaged, or divulged to unauthorised parties.
To ensure a high level of personal data security, SJM Eurostat SAS has implemented the following measures:
-User access control
-Software protection
-Data backups
-Data encryption
-Subcontractor management

9.Changes to the present Personal data protection and confidentiality policy

The present Personal data protection and confidentiality policy may be amended at any time in the event of changes to regulations. If this happens, you will be informed at the email address you gave when you opened your account.

Updated: June 8th 2020